Spiacenti, questo articolo di supporto non è al momento tradotto in italiano. Se lo desideri, puoi provare una traduzione basata su Google.
Questo articolo di aiuto è per una versione precedente di Direct Mail.
This resource supports the GET, PATCH, and DELETE methods.
URL Parameters
Label | Description |
:document_identifier | The project's document identifier |
:report_uuid | The UUID of the report |
Returns information about the report.
Request Query String Parameters
Name | Required | Description |
fields | No | A comma-separated list of the keys you want returned for the report. Default is to return all keys. |
Response Status Codes
Code | Description |
503 Service Unavailable | Server is undergoing maintenance and is unavailable |
429 Rate Limited | Rate limiting in effect, try again later |
404 Not Found | The resource could not be found or your API key has not been granted access to it |
403 Forbidden | Direct Mail account is disabled |
401 Unauthorized | API key, secret, or authentication method is incorrect |
200 OK | Success |
Response Body
A JSON object representing the report.
Note: Reports for campaigns sent with versions of Direct Mail prior to 3.5 will return null for the following keys: number_of_bounced, number_of_opened, number_of_opens, number_of_clicked, number_of_clicks, number_of_spam_complaints, number_of_unsubscribes, number_of_links, and do not contain a rel:links subresource.
Key | Value | Description |
uuid | String | The UUID of the report |
title | String | The title of the report |
is_autoresponder | Boolean | True if the report is for an autoresponder |
delivery_method | String | e3ds if the campaign was sent via e3 Delivery Service, smtp if the campaign was sent via private SMTP |
status | String | One of waiting , sending , sent , canceled , or error |
send_date | String | The date the email was sent or will be sent, in ISO-8601 format. null if the campaign is a draft without a send date. |
notes | String | User-editable notes |
tracking_enabled | Boolean | True of open and click tracking was enabled for this campaign |
web_message_url | String | URL for the hosted web version of the email |
web_report_url | String | URL for the web report |
number_of_bounced | Integer | The number of bounced emails |
number_of_opened | Integer | The number of recipients that opened the campaign at least once. null if the campaign was sent with tracking turned off. |
number_of_opens | Integer | The total number of opens. null if the campaign was sent with tracking turned off. |
number_of_clicked | Integer | The number of recipients that clicked a link in the campaign at least once. null if the campaign was sent with tracking turned off. |
number_of_clicks | Integer | The total number of clicks. null if the campaign was sent with tracking turned off. |
number_of_spam_complaints | Integer | The number of complaints the campaign has received |
number_of_unsubscribes | Integer | The number of recipients that unsubscribed |
number_of_failed | Integer | The number of recipients that failed to send |
number_of_recipients | Integer | The number of recipients |
number_of_links | Integer | The total number of links in the body of the message. null if the campaign was sent with tracking turned off. |
links | Array of Object | URLs for the report (rel:self ), its message (rel:message ), recipients (rel:recipients ), and links in the message body (rel:links ). The rel:links URL will not be included if the campaign was sent with tracking turned off. |
GET /api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic QzFENDREMjEtNTA4MC00NTM3LUFFOD
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8
Host: secure.directmailmac.com
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 22:57:59 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"delivery_method": "smtp",
"is_autoresponder": false,
"links": [
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0",
"rel": "self"
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0/message",
"rel": "message"
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0/recipients",
"rel": "recipients"
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0/recipients?status=bounced",
"rel": "bounces"
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0/recipients?status=unsubscribed",
"rel": "unsubscribes"
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0/recipients?status=complained",
"rel": "spam-complaints"
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0/recipients?status=failed",
"rel": "errors"
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0/links",
"rel": "links"
"notes": null,
"number_of_bounced": 0,
"number_of_clicked": 397,
"number_of_clicks": 397,
"number_of_failed": 0,
"number_of_links": 2,
"number_of_opened": 657,
"number_of_opens": 792,
"number_of_recipients": 758,
"number_of_spam_complaints": 0,
"number_of_unsubscribes": 0,
"send_date": "2015-04-23T22:53:48+0000",
"status": "sent",
"title": "This is a test email",
"tracking_enabled": true,
"uuid": "F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0",
"web_message_url": "http://dmanalytics1.com/campaign?d=R2mIj9vGR9WKzA7t4ZYZGQ&t=1",
"web_report_url": null
Updates the user-editable properties of the report.
Request Body
A JSON object representing the properties you want to update. You may update the following keys:
Key | Required | Value | Description |
title | No | String | The title of the report |
notes | No | String | The user-editable notes |
Response Status Codes
Code | Description |
503 Service Unavailable | Server is undergoing maintenance and is unavailable |
429 Rate Limited | Rate limiting in effect, try again later |
404 Not Found | The project could not be found |
403 Forbidden | Direct Mail account is disabled or the report is not editable |
401 Unauthorized | API key, secret, or authentication method is incorrect |
400 Bad Request | One or more of the values in the request body is invalid |
202 Accepted | The request has been accepted for processing |
Response Body
A JSON object representing the merge task.
Key | Value | Description |
links | Array of Object | URLs for the merge task and the updated resource. |
PATCH /api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic QzFENDREMjEtNTA4MC00NTM3LUFFOD
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Host: secure.directmailmac.com
Content-Length: 50
"notes": "These are some notes added via the API"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 22:59:41 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"links": [
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/merge-task?s=67&m=PATCH&r=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.directmailmac.com%2Fapi%2Fv2%2Fprojects%2F187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c%2Freports%2FF4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0",
"rel": "merge-task"
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0",
"rel": "resource"
Deletes the report. Reports for campaigns that are waiting to be sent, are currently sending, or are associated with an autoresponder cannot be deleted.
Response Status Codes
Code | Description |
503 Service Unavailable | Server is undergoing maintenance and is unavailable |
429 Rate Limited | Rate limiting in effect, try again later |
404 Not Found | The project could not be found |
403 Forbidden | Direct Mail account is disabled or the report is not editable |
401 Unauthorized | API key, secret, or authentication method is incorrect |
400 Bad Request | One or more of the values in the request body is invalid |
202 Accepted | The request has been accepted for processing |
Response Body
A JSON object representing the merge task.
Key | Value | Description |
links | Array of Object | URL for the merge task. |
DELETE /api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/reports/F4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic QzFENDREMjEtNTA4MC00NTM3LUFFOD
Host: secure.directmailmac.com
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 23:44:21 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"links": [
"href": "https://secure.directmailmac.com/api/v2/projects/187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c/merge-task?s=68&m=DELETE&r=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.directmailmac.com%2Fapi%2Fv2%2Fprojects%2F187812f26ba37d9769d8691d2a83c95c%2Freports%2FF4B2E4E6-B94F-462C-AFEC-1F9497BA98A0",
"rel": "merge-task"